Privacy Policy


We at Wacky Pinch believe that the privacy of you and your data is really important so this policy defines all the personal identifiable information and other data that may be collected from you through our games and apps and how we will use it or how it is shared with third parties. By installing any of the app/game from this account establish a consent towards this privacy policy and processing of your information. Please don’t use our services, apps, games if you do not agree to this Privacy Policy.


Information we May Collect:

1-Personal Information

The Information which can be used to identify you personally or that can be used to contact you offline or online. The information which may be collected includes your full name, e-mail address, precise location, physical address, picture, telephone number, credit/debit card number and in some cases your username.


2-Non Personal Information

The information which does not identifies you and cannot be used to contact you personally which includes “your city”, “your date of birth”, “zip code”, “age”, “gender”, information about your mobile device and computer such as Internet Protocol, mobile device ID, and persistent identifiers and firmware/hardware/ software. It may also include usage data, identity of other apps on device, play time, achievements and scores, game processes and URL’s you visited before or after using our game/app.


How We Collect Information:

If you sign up on our services or open an account in any way, you are required to submit the information. If you connect your game center or social media account we may collect information like your username, name, photographs, date of birth etc. If you chose to perform In App Purchase then we can collect your credit/ debit card information and other billing information. Your device id can be collected and your precise location can be collected if you choose to opt in for push notifications. You will be asked to allow or dis allow before doing so and if you allow and proceed you can change that later in the settings tab. No information of yours can be collected for just visiting the app/game.


Cookies & Site data

Our apps/games use several third party advertisers to serve ads on our apps/games which may collect cookies in the ads served within our apps/games. Those cookies will collect anonymous behavioural data which can be used to serve target ads by third party advertisers


Usage of Personal/Non-Personal Information:

We will use your personal information to provide you with services, functionality or goods that you requested or to responds you with queries and customer care features.

We may contact you to promote our apps or special offers which we offer, we may send you newsletters, promotions or marketing materials.

We may use your non personal information to improve the apps/games, for analytics purpose, research, optimization and security.

We may track your in-game activities to better serve you and give you in-game offers and notifications to enhance the gaming experience.

Non Personal information may be collected to better serve you with advertisement that better suits your interest and age/gender appropriate and targeted to your approximate location.


Disclosure of Personal/Non-Personal Information:

We will never sell, transfer your information to third parties without your consent. We may share your (Precise or approximate) location with third party advertisers (if you allow us to) which helps them to show more related and relevant and appropriate advertisements to you. We may share your usage data and non-personal information includes but not limited to advertising ID, device ID, approximate location with our advertising partners. Those advertising partners use your information to better serve your advertisements more related to you and more appropriate but we will not share your personal or non-personal information without your prior consent.

Our games/apps offer share or like function on Facebook or other third party social media networking sites if you choose such features it may allow sharing and collection of personal or non-personal information both top and from those social networking sites. You should visit the policies of respective third parties for more information.

We will not store your credit/ debit card information, in order to process the card payments, we use services of a secure third party credit card processor. We use services of third parties who will have, limited access of your personal information which is used for specific purposes such as analytics, advertising, administration and research.

We may disclose your personal or non-personal information collected if required by any means by law or court order, if information relates to harmful conduct or threatening to investigate or take action legally.


Advertisement shown on our products (apps/games) may be delivered by third party partners. Who may set cookies. These cookies allow ads networks to recognize your device each time they send you an online advertisement to compile non personal information about you and others who use your device. This information allows ad networks to deliver targeted advertisements that they believe will be most interest to you. This privacy policy does not cover the use of cookies by any advertisers. You may visit their respective privacy policy pages to learn more. Currently we are using following ads networks.




Policy About Children:

We take special precautions about children. When a user creates the account and inputs the date of birth, the user’s account is limited to participate on those aspects which may not be appropriate for users. Mainly our games/apps target users above 13 age.

Our policy changes from time to time and when we do we revise the last updated date at the bottom. By using the products of Wacky Pinch you agree to the terms and conditions of this policy. If you do not accept our policy, please do not use our games and apps. The continued usage of our products after any amendment of this policy will be deemed your acceptance of change in new terms.
